Former NYSI speakers
Anne-Marie Engel
Head of Research at The Lundbeck Foundation. Talk on Responsible Research and Innovation and the importance of cross-disciplinarity
Evolva A/SCompany visit, lecture and guided tour at their Copenhagen labs
Sarah BlackfordAcademic and Science Career Advisor. Sarah Blackford is the head of Education & Public Affairs at the Society for Experimental Biology and author of 'Career planning for research bioscientists'. As a qualified careers adviser and coach and with a background in bioscience research and publishing, Sarah provides a wide range of career support to doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers. She has been delivering specialised career workshops in the UK and across Europe for over 15 years covering subjects such as CV writing, interview technique, non-academic career alternatives as well as personality profiling (with MBTI®) and skills recognition. Sarah also offers one-to-one career guidance and coaching. She is a member of the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (serving on the Research Staff Task Group) and a registered tutor with Vitae.
Peter HildebrandtPeter Hildebrandt is a passionate serial-entrepreneur and CEO of the Center for Commercialization of Synthetic Biology (CC Synbio). His diverse experience includes political consultancy, strategic consultant for governmental organizations, starting and heading successful companies facilitating investor relations and stock trade. Collectively, these experiences and his extensive network has led him to start the venture company PanOpticon Holding, which primarily focuses on IT, biotech and synthetic biology. The venture activities will contribute to the CC Synbio initiative's aim to invest, educate and promote the transition towards a biobased society. CC Synbio's first step is to involve unions, policy makers, researchers, industry and investors in a concerted push towards establishing a biobased production of high value products in Denmark.
Peter OlesenThrough more than 25 years, Peter Olesen has held several top-manager positions in international corporations within the food business. He is a former director of research at the Danish Sugar Factories/Danisco and more recently he was a CSO at Danish biotech company Chr. Hansen, where he was responsible for research and development of enzymes and bacteria cultures for acidification and flavoring in foods, probiotic bacteria as well as natural flavorings and colorants. In parallel with these activities in the industry, Professor Olesen has acted as associate professor at Dpt. Of Botany at University of Copenhagen, and taught biotechnology, molecular plant biochemistry and physiology at UCPH’s former LIFE faculty and at the Technical University of Denmark. Aside from chairing the Danish Council for Strategic Research, Peter is currently a CEO in his own firm ActiFoods, which offers enterprises and research institutions consultancy and knowledge Sharing within the health and foods area. He is also employed as professor with special responsibilities at UCPH Science faculty, at the Dpt of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Thomas HamannThomas Hamann received his PhD in Natural Products Biochemistry and Biotechnology from the University of Copenhagen in 2009. He has worked as a research assistant at Ampliqon and at Novozymes followed by a job as associate at McKinsey and Company, followed by his current position as senior strategy manager at Novo Nordisk. Besides his career as a company employee, he has also started two companies of his own: - an online tool for managing working hours; and Hamann LightProduction, which led him to be the chief lighting designer on the Danish rockband Saybia's Denmark and Europe tour in 2000-2002 !
Stephen SligarStephen G. Sligar received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Illinois in 1975. Dr. Sligar served on the faculty in the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University and returned to the University of Illinois in 1982 where he was the I. C. Gunsalus Professor of Biochemistry. He now holds the University of Illinois Swanlund Endowed Chair and is Director of the School of Molecular and Cellular Biology. He is also a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry, the Center for Biophysics and Computational Biology and the College of Medicine. Dr. Sligar holds affiliate appointments in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, the Institute for Genomic Biology and The Micro and Nano Technology Laboratory on the Illinois campus. He is a Fellow of the Biophysical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Visiting Professorship in Inorganic Chemistry at Oxford where he was a Fellow of Queens College. He is also a Fellow in the Jerome Karle Nobel Laureate World Innovation Foundation.
Nickie SpileNickie Spile joined the Novo Group in 1989 and has had a number of different roles in the Novo Group companies in the last 20 years. Early on the main focus was engineering and research. Since 1996 key responsibilities have been within HR, Communication, Public Affairs and facility management. From 2006-2008 Nickie was heading Human Resources (HR) in Novozymes and was member of the executive management team. Currently, Nickie is Vice President in Novozymes’ research & development organization with responsibility for R&D IT, HR, Project management and a number of R&D support services. Before joining the Novo Group Nickie worked with product development in Danish Natural Foods Ltd. Nickie holds a MSc in Engineering and an Executive MBA.