Center for Synthetic Biology Publications
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Journal front covers highlighting Center for Synthetic Biology research |
K. Jiang, B.L. Møller, S.F. Luo, Y. Yang, D. R. Nelson, E.H.J. Neilson, J.M. Christensen, K. Hua, C. Hu, X.H. Zeng, M.S. Motawie, T. Wan, G.W. Hu, Y.J. Wang, J.D. Gaitán-Espitía, Z.W. Wang, X.-Y. Xu, J. M. He, L. Wang, Y. Li, D.-H. Peng, S. Lan, H. Zhang, Q.-F. Wang, Z.-J. Liu, W.-C. Huang: Genome of Darwin’s orchid reveals convergent evolution of oxime biosynthesis. Molecular Plant, 18, 1–24, January 6, 2025,;
D. T. Koleva, M. Liu, B. Dusak, S. Ghosh, C. T. Krogh, I. R. Hellebek, M. T. Cortsen, M. S. Motawie, F. S. Jørgensen, B.A. McKinley, J. E. Mullet, M. Sørensen and B. L. Møller: Amino acid substrate specificities and tissue expression profiles of the nine CYP79A encoding genes in Sorghum bicolor. Physiologia Plantarum, 177, e70029. Jan-Feb 2025; doi 10.1111.ppl.70029,
. Z. Xia, Z. Du, X. Zhou, S. Jiang, T. Zhu, L. Wang, F. Chen, L. Carvalho, M. Zou, L. A. B. Lo´pez-Lavalle, X. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Wang, M. Chen, S. Wang, M. Li, Y. Li, H. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Bao, L. Zhao, C. Zhang, J. Xiao, F. Guo, X. Shen, C. Lu, F. Qiao, H. Ceballos, H. Yan, H. Zhang, S. He, W. Zhao, Y. Wan, Y. Chen, D. Huang, K. Li, B. Liu, M. Peng, W. Zhang, B.L. Møller, X. Chen, M. C. Luo, J. Xiao, W. Wang: Pan-genome and Haplotype Map of Cultivars and Their Wild Ancestors Provides Insights into Adaptive Evolution of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Molecular Plant, in review
DT Koleva, AW Bengochea, SB Mellor, R Ochoa-Fernandez, DR Nelson, BL Møller, EMJ Gillam, M. Sørensen: Sequence diversity in the monooxygenases involved in oxime production in plant defense and signaling: a conservative revision in the nomenclature of the highly complex CYP79 family. Plant J. 2024 Nov;120(3):1236-1256. doi: 10.1111/tpj.17044.
B.L Møller, C.E. Olsen, Y. Zhong and M.S. Motawie: A Convenient Route to Large-Scale Chemical Synthesis of p-Hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde Oxime and Its p-β-d-Glucopyranoside: Key Intermediates and Products in Plant Specialized Metabolism. ACS Omega.
V. Forman, Luo D, SC Kampranis, D Stærk, BL Møller, I. Pateraki: Not all cytochrome b5s are created equal: How a specific CytB5 boosts forskolin biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Metab Eng. doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2024.10.008.
D. T. Koleva, M. Liu, B. Dusak, S. Ghosh, C. T. Krogh, I. R. Hellebek, M. T. Cortsen, M. S. Motawie, F. S. Jørgensen, B.A. McKinley, J. E. Mullet, M. Sørensen and B. L. Møller: Amino acid substrate specificities and tissue expression profiles of the nine CYP79A encoding genes in Sorghum bicolor. Physiologia Plantarum, accepted pending minor revision
Z. Xia, Z. Du, X. Zhou, S. Jiang, T. Zhu, L. Wang, F. Chen, L. Carvalho, M. Zou, L. A. B. Lo´pez-Lavalle, X. Zhang, L. Xu, Z. Wang, M. Chen, S. Wang, M. Li, Y. Li, H. Wang, S. Liu, Y. Bao, L. Zhao, C. Zhang, J. Xiao, F. Guo, X. Shen, C. Lu, F. Qiao, H. Ceballos, H. Yan, H. Zhang, S. He, W. Zhao, Y. Wan, Y. Chen, D. Huang, K. Li, B. Liu, M. Peng, W. Zhang, B.L. Møller, X. Chen, M. C. Luo, J. Xiao, W. Wang:Pan-genome and Haplotype Map of Cultivars and Their Wild Ancestors Provides Insights into Adaptive Evolution of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Molecular Plant, in review
K. Jiang, B.L. Møller, S.F. Luo, Y. Yang, D. R. Nelson, E.H.J. Neilson, J.M. Christensen, K. Hua, C. Hu, X.H. Zeng, M.S. Motawie, T. Wan, G.W. Hu, Y.J. Wang, J.D. Gaitán-Espitía, Z.W. Wang, X.-Y. Xu, J. M. He, L. Wang, Y. Li, D.-H. Peng, S. Lan, H. Zhang, Q.-F. Wang, Z.-J. Liu, W.-C. Huang: Genome of Darwin’s orchid reveals convergent evolution of oxime biosynthesis. Molecular Plant , submitted
C. Dockter, S. Knudsen, B. Skadhauge and B.L. Møller: Just FIND-ITTM : Harnessing the true power of induced mutagenesis. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2024, Nov;22(11):3051-3053.
P. J. Mason, A. Blaakmeer, A. Furtado, P. N. Stuart, R. Nomula, N. Bjarnholt, M. Sørensen, D. T. Koleva, P. R. Pedas, S. Knudsen, B. L. Møller, B. Skadhauge, R. J Henry: Harnessing the Power of an Extensive EMS-Induced Sorghum Population for Rapid Crop Improvement. Physiologia Plantarum, 2024 Jul-Aug;176(4):e14449.
N. Dodge, L. C. Sutardja, T. Gnanasekaran, L. M. Münter Lassen, A. Zygadlo Nielsen, B.L. Møller, P. E. Jensen: Heterologous production of the structurally complex diterpenoid forskolin in Synechocystis PCC. 6803. Physiologia Plantarum, in review
L. C. Sutardja, N. Dodge, S. Lambert Walby, N. J. Butler, T. Gnanasekaran, B. L. Møller, P.E. Jensen: Modulation of the MEP pathway for overproduction of 13-R-manoyl oxide in cyanobacteria.
Synthetic Biology and Engineering 2024, 2: 10005; -
M. E. Jørgensen, K. Houston, H. J. L. Jørgensen, H. C. Thomsen, L. Tekaat, C. T. Krogh, S.B. Mellor, K.B. Braune, M. L. Damm, P. R. Pedas, C. Voss, M. Wohlfahrt Rasmussen, K. Nielsen, B. Skadhauge, M. S. Motawia, M. Bayer, B. L. Møller, C. Dockter, M. Sørensen: Disentangling hydroxynitrile glucoside biosynthesis in a barley (Hordeum vulgare) metabolon provides access to elite malting barleys for ethyl carbamate free whisky production. Plant Journal 2024, 119, 364-382 (2024) https://
C. Liang, C. Ndi, S.J. Semple, B. Buirchell, S. Coriani, B.L. Møller, D. Staerk: Eremane, viscidane and isozizaene diterpenoids from the leaves of Eremophila rigida and their absolute configurations, Phytochemistry , 219: 113972. (2024);
- Zhao, Y.; Li, T.; Kjaerulff, L.; Venter, H.; Coriani, S.; Møller, B.L.; Semple, S.; Staerk, D.: Orthogonal reversed-phase C18 and pentafluorophenyl HPLC separation for phytochemical profiling of serrulatanes in Eremophila denticulata. J. Nat. Prod. 2023, 86, 2638-2650; doi/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.3c00655
- C. Liang,† C. Ndi,‡ L. Kjaerulff,† S.J. Semple,‡ B. Buirchell,§ S. Coriani,‖ B.L. Møller, and D. Staerk: Identification of new PTP1B-inhibiting decipiene diterpenoid esters from Eremophila clarkei by high-resolution PTP1B inhibition profiling, enzyme kinetics analysis, and molecular docking. Bioorganic chemistry 139;
- C. Liang,† C. Ndi,‡ L. Kjaerulff,† S.J. Semple,‡ B. Buirchell,§ S. Coriani,‖ B.L. Møller, and D. Staerk: Characterization of Serrulatane Diterpenoids in Eremophila phyllopoda by Triple High-Resolution -Glucosidase/PTP1B/Radical Scavenging Profiling, NMR Spectroscopy, DFT-GIAO NMR, and Electronic Circular Dichroism Calculations. Journal of Natural Products, 2023, In: Journal of Natural Products. 86, 4, p. 694–709,
- Zhaoa, O. Gerickeb, T. Lia, L. Kjaerulffa, K.T. Kongstada, A.M. Heskesb, B.L. Møllerb, F.S. Jørgensena, H. Venterc, S. Corianid, S. J. Semplec, and D. Staerka,1: Polypharmacology-labelled molecular networking for discovery of antihyperglycemic and antibacterial diterpenoids in the Australian desert plant Eremophila rugosa. Analytical Chemistry,
- Y. Zhao1, N. L. Hansen1 , Y.T. Duan1, M. Prasad1, M. S. Motawia1, B. L. Møller1, I. Pateraki1 , D. Staerk2, S. Bak1*, K.A. Miettinen1* and S. C. Kampranis1* Biosynthesis and biotechnological production of the anti-obesity agent celastrol. Nature Chemistry (2023);
- Liang,† C. Ndi,‡ L. Kjaerulff,† S.J. Semple,‡ B. Buirchell,§ S. Coriani,‖ B.L. Møller, and D. Staerk: Characterization of Serrulatane Diterpenoids in Eremophila phyllopoda by Triple High-Resolution -Glucosidase/PTP1B/Radical Scavenging Profiling, NMR Spectroscopy, DFT-GIAO NMR, and Electronic Circular Dichroism Calculations. Journal of Natural Products,
- Rasmussen, L. F., Anton, J., Kjaerulff, L., Zhao, Y., Semple, S. J., Chi, N., Buirchell, B., Møller, B. L., & Staerk, D. (2022). Serrulatane diterpenoids with unusual side chain modifications from root bark of Eremophila longifolia. Phytochemistry, 203, 113408.
- Semple, S. J., Staerk, D., Buirchell, B. J., Fowler, R. M., Gericke, O., Kjaerulff, L., Zhao, Y., Pedersen, H. A., Petersen, M. J., Rasmussen, L. F., Kold Bredahl, E., Pedersen, G. B., Mik El Mcnair, L., Ndi, C. P., Hansen, N. L., Heskes, A. M., Bayly, M. J., Loland, C. J., Heinz, N., & Lindberg Møller, B. (2022). Biodiscoveries within the Australian plant genus Eremophila based on international and interdisciplinary collaboration: results and perspectives on outstanding ethical dilemmas. The Plant Journal, 111, 936–953.
- N.L. Hansen, L. Kjærulff, Q. Heck, V. Forman, D. Stærk, B.L. Møller and J. Andersen-Ranberg:Tripterygium wilfordii cytochrome P450s catalyze the key methyl shift and epoxidations in biosynthesis of triptonide. Nature Communications, 13(5011).
- S. Knudsen , T. Wendt, C. Dockter, H.C. Thomsen, M. Rasmussen , M. Egevang Jørgensen, Q. Lu, C. Voss, E. Murozuka, J.T. Østerberg, J. Harholt, I. Braumann, J.A. Cuesta-Seijo, S.M. Kale, S. Bodevin, L. Tang Petersen, M. Carciofi, P.R. Pedas, J. Opstrup Husum, M.T.S. Nielsen, K. Nielsen, M.K. Jensen, L.A. Møller, Z. Gojkovic, A. Striebeck, K. Lengeler, R.T. Fennessy, M. Katz, R. Garcia Sanchez, N. Solodovnikova, J. Förster, O. Olsen, B.L. Møller, G.B. Fincher, B. Skadhauge (2022). FIND-IT: Accelerated trait development for a green evolution. Science Advances, 8(34), eabq2266.
- V. Forman, D. Luo, R. Lemcke, D.R. Nelson, D. Staerk, S. Kampranis, B.L. Møller, I. Pateraki: A gene cluster in Ginkgo biloba encoding for unique multifunctional cytochrome P450s orchestrates key steps in ginkgolide biosynthesis. Nature Communications, 13(5143).
- M. Sørensen, J. Andersen-Ranberg, B. Hankamer, B.L. Møller: Feature Article: Circular biomanufacturing through harvesting solar energy and CO2. Trends in Plant Science 27: 655-673 (2022)
- G.K.S. Ananda. S.L. Norton, C. Blomstedt. A. Furtado, B.L. Møller, R. Gleadow, R.J. Henry: Transcript profiles of wild and domesticated sorghum under water-stressed conditions and the differential impact on dhurrin metabolism. Planta 255: 51 (2022),
- M. Cowan, B.L. Møller, S. Norton, C. Knudsen, C. Crocoll, A. Furtado, R. Henry, C. Blomstedt, R.M. Gleadow: Cyanogenesis in the Sorghum Genus: From Genotype to Phenotype. Genes 13: 140. 10.3390/genes1301040
- E.K. Bredahl, L. Kjaerulffa, C. Ndi, S. Semple, B. Buircell, B.L. Møller, D Staerk: Isolation and structure elucidation of caryophyllane sesquiterpenoids from the leaves of Eremophila spathulata, Phytochemistry Letters 47: 156-163 (2022),
- M.J. Petersen, C. Liang, L. Kjaerulff, C. Ndi, S. Semple, B. Buirchell, B.L. Møller, D. Staerk: Serrulatane diterpenoids from the leaves of Eremophila glabra and their potential as diabetes drug leads, Phytochemistry 196: 113072 (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.113072
- R.M. Gleadow, B.A. McKinley, C.K. Blomstedt, A.C. Lamb, B.L. Møller, J.E. Mullet: Regulation of dhurrin pathway gene expression during sorghum development. Planta 254: 119;
- O. Gericke, R.M. Fowler, A.M. Heskes, M.J. Bayly, S.J. Semple, C.P. Ndi, D. Staerk, C.J. Løland, D.J. Murphy, B.J. Buirchell and B.L. Møller: Navigating through chemical space and evolutionary time across the Australian continent in plant genus Eremophila. The Plant Journal 108: 555-578 (2021);
- G.K.S. Ananda, S.L. Norton, C. Blomstedt, A. Furtado, B.L. Møller, R. Gleadow, R.J. Henry: Phylogenetic relationships in the Sorghum genus based on sequencing of the chloroplast and nuclear genomes. The Plant Genome p-1-16 (2021);
- C.C. Hansen, D.R. Nelson, B.L. Møller, D. Werck: Plant cytochrome P450 plasticity and evolution. Molecular Plant 14: 1244-1265 (2021);
- M. Sørensen, B.L. Møller: Metabolic Engineering of Photosynthetic Cells – in Collaboration with Nature. In: Metabolic Engineering: Concepts and Applications, Chapter 21 (eds. S.Y. Lee, G. Stephanopoulos and J. Nielsen). Advanced Biotechnology Book Series 13a: 803-857. Wiley-VCH ISBN:9783527346622;
- S.B. Jensen, S. Thodberg, S. Parween, M.E. Moses, C.C. Hansen, J. Thomsen, M.B. Sletfjerding, C. Knudsen, R.D. Giudice, P.M. Lund, P.R. Castaño, Y.G. Bustamante, M.N.R. Velazquez, F.S. Jørgensen, A.V. Pandey, T. Laursen, B.L. Møller, N.S. Hatzakis: Biased cytochrome P450-mediated metabolism via small-molecule ligands binding P450 oxidoreductase. Nature Communications 12: 2260 (2021);
- M.F. Cowan, C.K. Blomstedt, B.L. Møller, R.J. Henry, R. Gleadow: Variation in production of cyanogenic glucosides during early plant development: a comparison of wild and domesticated Sorghum. Phytochemistry 184: 112645 (2021);
- B.L. Møller, T. Laursen: Metabolons and bio-condensates: The essence of plant plasticity and the key elements in development of green production system. In: Eutectic Solvents and Stress in Plants (eds. R. Verpoorte, G. Witkamp, Y. H. Choi). Advances in Botanical Research, Chapter 8, pp. 185-215 (2021), Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-821691-0;
- T. Gülck, J.K. Booth, Â. Carvalho, C. Crocoll, M.S. Motawie, B.L. Møller, J. Bohlmann, N.J. Gallage: Synthetic biology of cannabinoids and cannabinoid glucosides in Nicotiana benthamiana and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Journal of Natural Products 83: 2877-2893 (2020);
- M. Sørensen, B.L. Møller: Metabolic Engineering of Photosynthetic Cells – in Collaboration with Nature. In: Metabolic Engineering. Advanced Biotechnology Book Series (eds. S.Y. Lee, G. Stephanopoulos and J. Nielsen). Wiley, 55 pp., in press
- S. Thodberg, M. Sørensen, M. Bellucci, C. Crocoll, A.K. Bendtsen, D.R. Nelson, M.S. Motawia, B.L. Møller, E.H.J. Neilson: Convergent Evolution: A Flavin Monooxygenase Catalyzes the Initial Step in Cyanogenic Glucoside Synthesis in Ferns. Communications Biology 3: 507 (2020);
- Kjaerulff, A.B.J. Jensen, C. Ndi, S. Semple, B.L. Møller, D. Staerk: Isolation, structure elucidation and PTP1B inhibitory activity of serrulatane diterpenoids from the roots of Myoporum insulare. Phytochemistry Letters 39: 49-56 (2020);
- Gülck, B.L. Møller: Phytocannabinoids- Origins, biosynthesis and synthetic biology. Trends in Plant Science 25: 985-1004 (2020; front page cover);
- Sørensen, R. Rinnan, I. Woodrow, B.L. Møller, E.J. Neilson: The entangled dynamics of eucalypt leaf and flower volatile emissions. Environmental and Experimental Botany176: 104032 (2020);
- V. Aru, M.S. Motawia, B. Khakimov, K.M. Sørensen, B.L. Møller, S.B. Engelsen:C-Methyl-Scyllo-Inositol: First-Principles Identification of a New Authenticity and Eco-System Specific Biomarker in Marine Organisms. Food Chemistry 328: 126959 (2020);
- H. Pedersen, C. Ndi, S.J. Semple, B. Buirchell, B. Møller, D. Staerk: PTP1B-Inhibiting Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Dimers from Eremophila oppositifolia subsp. angustifolia Identified by High-Resolution PTP1B Inhibition Profiling and HPLC-PDA-HRMS-SPE-NMR analysis. Journal of Natural Products 83: 1598-1610 (2020);
- F. Wan, S.S.-R. Bohr, S.N. Kłodzinska, H. Jumaa, Z.Huang, T. Nylander, M.B. Thygesen, K.K. Sørensen, K.J. Jensen, C. Sternberg, N. Hatzakis, H.M. Nielsen: Ultrasmall TPGS−PLGA Hybrid Nanoparticles for Site-Specific Delivery of Antibiotics into Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms in Lungs. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12: 380−389 (2020);
- O. Gericke, N.L. Hansen, G.B. Pedersen, L. Kjaerulff, D. Luo, D. Staerk, B.L. Møller, I. Pateraki, A.M. Heskes: Nerylneryl diphosphate is the precursor of serrulatane, viscidane and cembrane-type diterpenoids in Eremophila species. BMC Plant Biology 20: 91 (2020).
- L. Hansen, K. Miettinen, Y. Zhao, C. Ignea, A. Andreadeli, M.H. Raadam, A.M. Makris, B.L. Møller, D. Stærk, S. Bak, S.C. Kampranis: Integrating pathway elucidation with yeast engineering to produce polpunonic acid the precursor of the anti-obesity agent celastrol. Microbial Cell Factories 19: 15 (2020);
- B. Knudsen, K. Bavishi, K.M. Viborg, D.P. Drew, H.T. Simonsen, M.S. Motawie, B.L. Møller, T. Laursen: Stabilization of the dhurrin biosynthetic enzymes using a natural deep eutectic solvent. Phytochemistry 170: 112214 (2020);
- E. Mnich, N. Bjarnholt, A. Eudes, J. Harholt, C. Holland, B. Jørgensen, F.H. Larsen, M. Liu, R. Manat, A.S. Meyer, J.D. Mikkelsen, M.S. Motawie, J. Muschiol, B.L. Møller, S.R. Møller, A. Perzon, B.L. Petersen, J.L. Ravn, P. Ulvskov: Phenolic cross-links: building and de-construction of the plant cell wall. Natural Product Reports 37: 919-961 (2020);
- S.S.-R. Bohr, P.M. Lund, A.S. Kallenbach, H. Pinholt, J. Thomsen, L. Iversen, A. Svendsen, S.M. Christensen, N.S. Hatzakis: Direct observation of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase diffusional states by Single Particle Tracking and their remodeling by mutations and inhibition. Scientific Reports 9:16169 (2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-52539-1
- E.M. Bech, A. Kaiser, K. Bellmann-Sickert, S.S.-R. Nielsen, K.K. Sørensen, L. Elster, N. Hatzakis, S.L. Pedersen, A.G. Beck-Sickinger, K.J. Jensen: Half-Life Extending Modifications of Peptide YY3−36 Direct Receptor-Mediated Internalization. Molecular Pharmaceutics 16: 3665−3677 (2019) DOI: 10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.9b00554
- R.P. Thomsen, M.G. Malle, A.H. Okholm, S. Krishnan, S.S.-R. Bohr, R.S. Sørensen, O. Ries, S. Vogel, F.C. Simmel, N.S. Hatzakis, J. Kjems: A large size-selective DNA nanopore with sensing applications. Nature Communications 10: 5655 (2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-13284-1
- C. Rosati, C.K. Blomstedt, B.L. Møller, T. Garnett, R. Gleadow: The interplay between water limitation, dhurrin, and nitrate in the low-cyanogenic sorghum mutant adult cyanide deficient class 1. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 1458 (2019) doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.01458
- A. Cuesta-Sejio, A.J. De Porcellinis, A.H. Valente, A. Striebeck, C. Voss, L. Marri, A. Hansson, A.J. Mathiesen, M.H. Dinesen, J.U. Fangel, J. Harholt, T.N. Mikkelsen, R.B. Jørgensen, T.G. Roitsch, B.L. Møller, I. Braumann: Amylopectin chain length dynamics and activity signatures of key carbon metabolic enzymes highlight early maturation as culprit for yield reduction of barley endosperm starch after heat stress. Plant Cell and Physiology 60: 2692–2706 (2019)
- Y. Zhao, L. Kjaerulff, K.T. Kongstad, A.M. Heskes, B.L. Møller, D. Staerk: 2(5H)-Furanosesquiterpenes from Eremophila bignoniiflora: High-resolution inhibition profiling and PTP1B inhibitory activity. Phytochemistry 166: 112054 (2019) 8 pp.
- B. Mellor, M.H. Vinde, A.Z. Nielsen, G.T. Hanke, K. Abdiaziz, M.M. Roessler, M. Burow, M.S. Motawia, B.L. Møller, P.E. Jensen: Defining optimal electron transfer partners for light-driven cytochrome P450 reactions. Metabolic Engineering 55: 33-43 (2019) DOI:10.1016/j.ymben.2019.05.003
- Y. Ryu, S.K. Cho, Y. Hong, J. Kim, J.H. Kim, G.M. Kim, Y.-J. Chen, E. Knoch, B.L. Møller, W.T. Kim, M.F. Lyngkjær, S.W. Yang: Classification of barley U-box E3 ligases and their expression patterns in response to drought and pathogen stresses. BMC Genomics 20: 326 (2019) DOI:10.1186/s12864-019-5696-z
- R. Sánchez-Pérez, S. Pavan, R. Mazzeo, C. Moldovan, RA Cigliano, J. Del Cueto, F. Ricciardi, C. Lotti, L. Ricciardi, F. Dicenta, R.L. López-Marqués, B. Lindberg Møller: Mutation of a bHLH transcription factor allowed almond domestication. SCIENCE 364: 1095-1098 (2019)
- M. Ehlert, L.M. Jagd, I. Braumann, C. Dockter, C. Crocoll, M.S. Motawie, B.L. Møller, M.F. Lyngkjær: Deletion of biosynthetic genes, specific SNP patterns and differences in transcript accumulation cause variation in hydroxynitrile glucoside content in barley cultivars. Scientific Reports 9: 5730 (2019) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-41884-w
- D. Jæger, M.C. O’Leary, P. Weinstein, B.L. Møller, S.J. Semple: Phytochemistry and bioactivity of Acacia sensu stricto (Fabaceae: Mimosoideae). Phytochemistry Reviews 18: 129-172 (2019)
- S. Stella, P. Mesa, J. Thomsen, B. Paul, P. Alcón, S., B. Jensen, B. Saligram, M.E. Moses, N. S. Hatzakis, G. Montoya: Conformational Activation Promotes CRISPRCas12a Catalysis and Resetting of the Endonuclease Activity. Cell 175: 1856–1871 (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.10.045
- Y. Xie, Y. Xianyu, N. Wang, Z. Yan, Y. Liu, K. Zhu, N.S. Hatzakis, X. Jiang: Functionalized Gold Nanoclusters Identify Highly Reactive Oxygen Species in Living Organisms. Advanced Functional Materials, 1702026 (2018) DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201702026
- F.B. Schmidt, A. Heskes, D. Thinagaran, B.L. Møller, K. Jørgensen, B.A. Boughton: Mass spectrometry based imaging of labile glucosides in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 00892 (2018) DOI:10.3389/fpls.2018.00892
- R.J.N. Frandsen, P. Khorsand-Jamal, K.T. Kongstand, M. Nafisi, R.M. Kannangara, D. Staerk, F.T. Okkels, K. Binderup, B. Madsen, B.L. Møller, U. Trane, U.H. Mortensen: Heterologous production of the widely used natural food colorant carminic acid in Aspergillus nidulans. Scientific Reports 8: 12853 (2018) DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-30816-9
- V. Forman, N. Bjerg-Jensen, J.D. Dyekjær, B.L. Møller, I. Pateraki: Engineering of CYP76AH15 can improve activity and specificity towards forskolin biosynthesis in yeast. Microbial Cell Factories 17:181 (2018) DOI:10.1186/s12934-018-1027-3
- C. Knudsen, N.J. Gallage, C.C. Hansen, B.L. Møller, T. Laursen: Dynamic metabolic solutions to the sessile life style of plants. Natural Product Reports 35: 1140-1155 (2018) DOI:10.1039/c8np00037a
- S. Thodberg, J. Del Cueto, R. Mazzeo, S. Pavan, C. Lotti, F. Dicenta, E.H.J. Neilson, B.L. Møller, R. Sánchez-Pérez: Elucidation of the amygdalin pathway reveals the metabolic basis of bitter and sweet almonds (Prunus dulcis). Plant Physiology 178: 1096-1111 (2018) DOI:10.1104/pp.18.00922
- C.C. Hansen, M. Sørensen, T.A.M. Veiga, J.F.S. Zibrandtsen, A.M. Heskes, C.E. Olsen, B.A. Boughton, B.L. Møller, E.H.J. Neilson: Reconfigured cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis in Eucalyptus cladocalyx involves a cytochrome P450, CYP706C55. Plant Physiology 178: 1081-1095 (2018) DOI:10.1104/pp.18.00998
- K.J. Lauersen, J. Wichmann, T. Baier, S.C. Kampranis, I. Pateraki, B.L. Møller, O. Kruse: Phototrophic production of heterologous diterpenoids and a hydroxy-functionalized derivative from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Metabolic Engineering 49: 116-127 (2018)
- M. Zagrobelny, É.C.P. de Castro, B.L. Møller, S. Bak: Cyanogenesis in Arthropods: from Chemical Warfare to Nuptial Gifts. Insects 9: 51 (2018) DOI:10.3390/insects9020051
- K. Bavishi, D. Li, S. Eiersholt, E.N. Hooley, T.C. Pedersen, B.L. Møller, N.S. Hatzakis, T. Laursen: Direct observation of multiple conformational states in Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and their modulation by membrane environment and ionic strength. Scientific Reports 8: 6817 (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-24922-x
- P. Heraud, M.F. Cowan, K.M. Marzec, B.L. Møller, C.K. Blomstedt, R. Gleadow: Label-free Raman hyperspectral imaging analysis localizes the cyanogenic glucoside dhurrin to the cytoplasm in sorghum cells. Scientific Reports 8: 2691 (2018)
- C.K. Blomstedt, V.C. Rosati, B.L. Møller, R.M. Gleadow: Counting the costs: nitrogen partitioning in Sorghum mutants. Functional Plant Biology 45: 705-718 (2018)
- K. Bavishi, B.L. Møller: Plants as chemical factories. In: Plants, Genes and Agriculture: Sustainability through Biotechnology (eds.: M.J. Chrispeels, P. Gepts) Chapter 20, pp. 559-582 (2018). Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-1-60535-684-6
- F.B. Schmidt, S.K. Cho, C.E. Olsen, S.W. Yang, B.L. Møller, K. Jørgensen: Diurnal regulation of cyanogenic glucoside biosynthesis and endogenous turnover in cassava. Plant Direct 2: 1-9 (2018)
- N. Bjarnholt, E. Neilson, C. Crocoll, K. Jørgensen, M. Motawie, C. Olsen, Carl, D. Dixon, R. Edwards, B.L. Møller: Glutathione transferases catalyze recycling of auto-toxic cyanogenic glucosides in sorghum. The Plant Journal 94: 1109-1125 (2018)
- J.D Cueto, B.L. Møller, F. Dicenta, R. Sánchez-Pérez: Beta-Glucosidase activity in almond seeds. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 126: 163-172 (2018)
- M. Sørensen, E.H.J. Neilson, B.L. Møller: Oximes: Unrecognized Chameleons in General and Specialized Plant Metabolism. Molecular Plant 11: 95-117 (2018)
- N.J. Gallage, B.L. Møller: Vanilla: The Most Popular Flavor. In: Biotechnology of Natural Products (eds.: W. Schwab, B.M. Lange, M. Wüst) Part 1, pp. 3-24 (2018) Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-67902-0
- D. Jæger, B.S. Simpson, C.P. Ndi, A.K. Jäger, C. Crocoll, B.L. Møller, P. Weinstein, S.J. Semple: Biological activity and LC-MS/MS profiling of extracts from the Australian medicinal plant Acacia ligulata (Fabaceae). Natural Product Research 32: 576-581 (2018)
- A. Nordberg, T. Minssen, S. Holm, M. Horst, K. Mortensen, B. L. Møller: Cutting edges and weaving threads in the gene editing (Я)evolution: Reconciling scientific progress with legal, ethical, and social concerns. Journal of Law and Bioscience 5: 35-83 (2018) DOI:10.1093/jlb/lsx043
- A.M. Heskes, T.C.M. Sundram, B.A. Boughton, N.B. Jensen, C. Crocoll, F. Cozzi, S. Rasmussen, B. Hamberger, B. Hamberger, D. Stærk, B.L. Møller, I. Pateraki: Biosynthesis of bioactive diterpenoids in the medicinal plant Vitex agnus-castus. The Plant Journal 93: 943-958 (2018)
- N.J. Gallage, K. Jørgensen, C. Janfelt, A. J. Z. Nielsen, T. Naake, E. Duński, L. Dalsten, M. Grisoni, B.L. Møller: The Intra-Cellular Localization of the Vanillin Biosynthetic Machinery in Pods of Vanilla planifolia. Plant Cell & Physiology 59: 304-318 (2018)
- R. Kannangara, L. Siukstaite, J. Borch-Jensen, B. Madsen, K.T. Kongstad, D. Stærk, M. Bennedsen, F.T. Okkels, S.A. Rasmussen, T.O. Laursen, R.J.N. Frandsen, B.L. Møller: Characterization of a membrane-bound C-glucosyltransferase responsible for carminic acid biosynthesis in Dactylopius coccus Costa. Nature Communications 8: 1987 (2017)
- D. Luo, B.L. Møller, I. Pateraki: Sunlight-driven Environmental Benign Production of Bioactive Natural Products with Focus on Diterpenoids and the Pathways Involved in their Formation.CHIMIA 71: 851-858 (2017)
- J. Andersen-Ranberg, K.T. Kongstad, M. Nafisi, D. Staerk, F. Okkels, U.H. Mortensen, B.L. Møller, R.J. N. Frandsen, R. Kannangara: Synthesis of C-Glucosylated Octaketide Anthraquinones in N. benthamiana using a Multispecies-Based Biosynthetic Pathway. ChemBioChem 18: 1893-1897 (2017)
- J. Del Cueto, I.A. Ionescu, M. Pičmanová, O. Gericke, M.S. Motawia, C.E. Olsen, J.A. Campoy, F. Dicenta, B.L. Møller, R. Sánchez-Pérez: Cyanogenic Glucosides and Derivatives in Almond and Sweet Cherry Flower Buds from Dormancy to FIowering. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 800 (2017)
- S. Pentzold, M.K. Jensen, A. Matthes, C.E. Olsen, B.L. Petersen, H. Clausen, B.L. Møller, S. Bak, M. Zagrobelny: Spatial separation of the cyanogenic beta-glucosidase ZfBGD2 and cyanogenic glucosides in the haemolymph of Zygaena larvae facilitates cyanide release. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170262 (2017)
- B.L. Møller: Solar-Driven Synthesis of Bioactive Natural Products. Chemical Engineering Progress 113: 46-54 (2017)
- U. Christensen, D. Vazquez-Albacete, K.M. Søgaard, T. Hobel, M.T. Nielsen, S.J. Harrison, A.H. Hansen, B.L. Møller, S. Seppälä, M.H. Nørholm: De-bugging and maximizing plant cytochrome P450 production in Escherichia coli with C-terminal GFP fusions. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 101: 4103-4113 (2017)
- C.J. Gray, B. Schindler, L.G. Migas, M. Picmanova, A.R. Allouche, A.P. Green, S. Mandal, M.S. Motawia, R. Sánchez-Pérez, N. Bjarnholt, B.L. Møller, A.M. Rijs, P.E. Barran, I. Compagnon, C.E. Eyers, S.L. Flitsch: Bottom-up elucidation of glycosidic bond stereochemistry. Analytical Chemistry 89: 4540-4549 (2017)
- I. Pateraki, J. Andersen-Ranberg, N.B. Jensen, S.G. Wubshet, A.M. Heskes, V. Forman, B. Hallström, B. Hamberger, M.S. Motawia, C.E. Olsen, D. Staerk, J. Hansen, B.L. Møller, B. Hamberger: Total biosynthesis of the cyclic AMP booster forskolin from Coleus forskohlii. eLIFE 6: e23001 (2017)
- I. Damager, C.E. Olsen, J. Egelund, B. Jørgensen, B. L. Petersen, P. Ulvskov, B.L. Møller, M.S. Motawia: Chemical synthesis of L-fucose derivatives for acceptor specificity characterisation of plant cell wall glycosyltransferases. ChemistrySelect 2: 997-1007 (2017)
- B. Dueholm, D. Bruce, P. Weinstein, S. Semple, B.L. Møller, J. Weiner: Spatial analysis of root hemiparasitic shrubs and their hosts: a search for spatial signatures of above- and below-ground interactions. Plant Ecology 218: 185-196 (2017)
- J.-E. Bassard, B.L. Møller, T. Laursen: Assembly of dynamic P450-mediated metabolons – order versus chaos. Current Molecular Biology Reports 3: 37-51 (2017)
- D. Vazquez-Albacete, M. Montefiori, S. Kol, M.S. Motawia, B.L. Møller, L. Olsen, M.H. Nørholm: The CYP79A1 catalyzed conversion of tyrosine to (E)-p-hydroxyphenylacetaldoxime unravelled using an improved method for homology modeling. Phytochemistry 135: 8-17 (2017)
- E. Mnich, R. Vanholme, P. Oyarce, S. Liu, F. Lu, G. Goeminne, B. Jørgensen, M.S. Motawie, W. Boerjan, J. Ralph, P. Ulvskov, B.L. Møller, N. Bjarnholt, J. Harholt: Degradation of lignin beta-aryl ether units in Arabidopsis thaliana expressing LigD, LigF and LigG from Sphingomonas paucimobilis SYK-6. Plant Biotechnology Journal 15: 581-593 (2017)
- D. Vazquez-Albacete, A.M. Cavaleiro, U. Christensen, S. Seppälä, B.L. Møller, M.H. Nørholm: An expression tag toolbox for microbial production of membrane bound plant cytochromes P450. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 114: 751-760 (2017)
- I.A. Ionescu, B.L. Møller, R. Sánchez-Pérez: Chemical control of flowering time. Journal of Experimental Botany 68: 369-382 (2017)
- I.A. Ionescu, G. López-Ortega, M. Burow, A. Bayo-Canha, A. Junge, O. Gericke, B.L. Møller, R. Sánchez-Pérez: Transcriptome and Metabolite Changes during Hydrogen Cyanamide-Induced Floral Bud Break in Sweet Cherry. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1233 (2017)
- D. Jæger, C.P. Ndi, C. Crocoll, B.S. Simpson, B. Khakimov, R.M. Guzman-Genuino, J.D. Hayball, X. Xing, V. Bulone, P. Weinstein, B.L. Møller, S.J. Semple: Isolation and Structural Characterization of Echinocystic Acid Triterpenoid Saponins from the Australian Medicinal and Food Plant Acacia ligulata. Journal of Natural Products 80: 2692-2698 (2017)
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Cannella, D., Möllers, K.B., Frigaard, N.U., Jensen, P.E., Bjerrum, M.J., Johansen, K.S. and Felby, C. Light-driven degradation of plant polysaccharides by photosynthetic pigments and a metalloprotein Nature Comm (2016) 7:11134 doi: 10.1038/ncomms11134 I.F. 11.329
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Wlodarczyka, A., Gnanasekarana, T., Nielsen, A.Z., Zulu, N.N., Mellor, S.B., Thøfner, J.F.B., Olsen, C.E., Mottawie, M.S., Burow, M., Luckner, M., Pribil, M., Feussner, I., Møller, B.L. and Jensen, P.E. Metabolic engineering of light-driven cytochrome P450 dependent pathways into Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 Metab Eng (2016) 33: 1-11 doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2015.10.009 I.F. 8.201
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Gnanasekaran, T., Karcher, D., Nielsen, A.Z., Martens, H.J., Ruf, S., Kroop, X., Olsen, C.E., Motawie, M.S., Pribil, M., Møller, B.L., Bock, R. and Jensen, P.E. Transfer of the cytochrome P450 dependent dhurrin pathway from Sorghum bicolor into tobacco chloroplasts for light-driven synthesis J Exp Bot (2016) 67(8):2495-506 doi:10.1093/jxb/erw067 I.F. 5.677
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Nielsen, A.Z., Mellor, S.B., Vavitsas, K., Wlodarczyk, A.J., Gnanasekaran, T., Perestrello Ramos H de Jesus, M., King, B.C., Bakowski, K., Jensen, P.E. Extending the biosynthetic repertoires of cyanobacteria and chloroplasts Plant Journal (2016) 87(1):87-102 doi: 10.1111/tpj.13173 I.F. 5.468
Knoch, E., Motawia, M.S., Olsen, C.E., Møller, B.L., Lyngkjær, M.F. Biosynthesis of the leucine derived α-, β- and γ-hydroxynitrile glucosides in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Plant J doi: 10.1111/tpj.13247 [Epub ahead of print] I.F. 5.468
King, B.C., Vavitsas, K., Khairul Ikram, N.K.B., Schrøder, J., Scharff, L.B., Bassard, J-É., Hamberger, B.R., Jensen, P.E. and Simonsen, H.T. In vivo assembly of DNA-fragments in the moss, Physcomitrella patens Scientific Reports (2016) 6:25030. doi: 10.1038/srep25030 I.F. 5.228
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- Pentzold, S., Zagrobelny, M., Khakimov, B., Engelsen, S.B., Clausen, H., Petersen, B.L., Borch, J., Møller, B.L., Bak, S. Lepidopteran defence droplets - a composite physical and chemical weapon against potential predators Sci Rep (2016) 6:22407 doi: 10.1038/srep22407 I.F. 5.228
Mellor, S., Nielsen, A., Burow, M., Motawia, M., Jakubauskas, D., Møller, B.L., Jensen, P.E. Fusion of ferredoxin and cytochrome P450 enables direct light-driven biosynthesis ACS Chemical Biology (2016) 11(7):1862-9 doi: 10.1021/acschembio.6b00190 I.F. 5.090
Zana, A., Vosch, T., Arenz, M. The colloidal tool-box approach for fuel cell catalysts: utilizing graphitized carbon supports Electrochim Acta (2016) 197:221–227 doi: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.03.041 I.F. 4.81
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Temboury, C.M.R., Paolucci, V., Hooley, E.N., Latterini, L., Vosch, T.Probing DNA-stabilized fluorescent silver nanocluster spectral heterogeneity by time-correlated single photoncounting Analyst (2016) 141(1):123-30 doi: 10.1039/c5an02011e I.F. 4.033
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Tanta, R., Kanne, T., Amaduzzi, F., Liao, Z., Madsen, M.H., Alarcón-Lladó, E., Krogstrup, P., Johnson, E., Morral, A.F., Vosch, T., Nygård, J., Jespersen, T.S. Morphology and composition of oxidized InAs nanowires studied by combined Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy Nanotechnology (2016) 27(30):305704 doi:10.1088/0957-4484/27/30/305704 I.F. 3.573
Pičmanová, M., Møller, B.L. Apiose: one of nature's witty games Glycobiology (2016) 26:430-442 I.F. 3.283
Paolucci, V., Mejlsøe, S.L., Ficker, M., Vosch, T., Christensen, J.B. Photophysical Properties of Fluorescent Core Dendrimers Controlled by Size J Phys Chem B (2016) 120(36):9576-80 doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b05354 I.F. 3.187
Kennes, K., Baeten, Y., Stappert, S., Müllen, K., Hofkens, J., Van der Auweraer, M., Vosch, T., Fron, E. Synthesis, Ensemble, and Single Molecule Characterization of a Diphenyl-Acetylene Linked TerrylenediimideDimer. J Phys Chem B (2016) 120(9):2333-42 doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b10651 I.F. 3.187
Gnanasekaran, T., Vavitsas, K., Andersen-Ranberg, J., Zygadlo Nielsen, A., Olsen, C.E., Hamberger, B.R. and Jensen, P.E. Heterologous expression of the isopimaric acid pathway in plants and the effect of N-terminal modifications of CYP720B4 J Biol Eng (2016) 9:24 doi: 10.1186/s13036-015-0022-z eCollection 2015 I.F. 3.00
Martin, W.E., Srijanto, B., Collier, C.P., Vosch, T., Richards, C.I.A Comparison of Single-Molecule Emission in Aluminum and Gold Zero-Mode Waveguides J Phys Chem A (2016) 120(34):6719-27 doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b03309 I.F. 2.883
Liao, Z., Bogh, S.A., Santella, M., Rein, C., Sørensen, T.J., Laursen, B.W., Vosch, T. Emissive photoconversion products of an amino-triangulenium dye J Phys Chem A (2016) 120(20):3554-61 doi: 10.1021/acs.jpca.6b03134 I.F. 2.883
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