29 March 2017

Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Plant Biochemistry

availabe positions

We invite applications for three positions as Postdoctoral Fellows at the Plant Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. The positions are for two years with the possibility of extension and are funded by grants from the VILLUM Foundation and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Synergy program. Commencement will be June 1st, 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The positions are focused on elucidation of the biosynthetic pathways for specialized metabolites in Eucalyptus and of structurally complex diterpenoids from a range of different plant species including the desert-dwelling Eremophila species of the Western Australian. Metabolites will be heterologously expressed and specific compounds of interested will isolated for determination of their bioactivities in collaboration with other partners in the research initiatives. 

The successful candidates will join a vibrant international research environment, will be integrated members of the eucalypt and terpenoid research teams and part of a wider research consortium with strong expertise in neurobiology and structure elucidation. The candidates will be supported to build independent research profiles, and will be granted flexibility to pursue autonomous research within the scope of the different research initiatives.

We are seeking motivated, creative and independent Postdoctoral Fellows to identify and investigate the biosynthetic pathways of specialized metabolites using mass spectrometry based imaging, tracer studies and isolation of dynamic enzyme complexes, advanced analytical chemistry, transcriptomics and proteomics, heterologous expression and bioinformatics. 

Skills and experience required or highly desired for the position:

  • Hold a PhD in an appropriate subject (e.g plant biochemistry, plant physiology, molecular biology, biotechnology, metabolomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, bioinformatics). Candidates with previous postdoctoral postgraduate student supervision experience will be prioritized
  • Knowledge of plant specialized metabolism with special focus on terpenoids
  • Theoretical and hands-on expertise in metabolomics, molecular biology and plant biochemistry, particularly with skills in pathway discovery and heterologous expression
  • Enthusiasm and good interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work and collaborate with others, including the supervision and mentoring of postgraduate students
  • Ability to work independently and see projects through to completion
  • Strong scientific writing skills and an exceptional publication record

Formal requirements
Applicants should be fluent in both spoken and written English. 

For more information contact Professor Birger Lindberg Møller, blm@plen.ku.dk, +45 3533 3352 or Asst. Professor Elizabeth Heather Jakobsen Neilson, en@plen.ku.dk. 

Read more and apply here ...>