12 September 2014

TALK: The science behind sustainable conversion - the green solution

Poul Erik Jensen will give a Lundbeck Foundation lecture entitled "Videnskaben bag bæredygtig omstilling - den grønne løsning" at the People's University. 

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The Sun's rays can cover the globe's energy needs many thousand times over. But how can we harvest the enormous amount of energy that is constantly streaming towards our planet? Two of Denmark's experts in the field will speak about the newest scientific achievements and the wild opportnities of the future. For example, can we copy plants' photosynthetsis and in this way utilise the Sun's energy?

Or maybe quantanmechanic laser experiments can teach us somehing about how we can best store the Sun's rays?

In other ways, nature can also be an inspiration for the solar panels of the future - maybe we should get used to our gardens being filled with algae solar panels.

Price: 50kr including a sandwich and wine or water

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