CosmoCrops at Kulturnatten

CosmoCrops will present their project at Kulturnatten 2016 at NBI, The Niels Bohr Institute

The Mars chamber used to test the bacteria

The CosmoCrops team is currently joining the iGEM competition in synthetic biology in collaboration with MIT. Last year KU team, SpaceMoss, inserted an antifreeze gene into moss to improve survivability 
on Mars. This year's project, CosmoCrops, built on that by considering the functions transgenic organisms could fulfill in space travel and habitation. CosmoCrops created a co-culture that, as a proof of concept, can produce bioplastic polylactic acid PLA, widely used in 3D printing. We imagined that a 3D printer on the International Space Station could use PLA to print tools and parts, allowing a greater degree of autonomy to astronauts." 

Link to all events at NBI October 14, 2016 here ...>