ARTiS 2016 at Kulturnatten

The image shown here is one of the many contributions. Title: "Herbal leaves in microscale world"

We are happy to announce that our first exhibition will be held during Kulturnatten (Culture night) in Copenhagen on the 14th of October! The exhibition will take place in the beautiful rooms of the old university buildings in Fiolstrædet, where we will be ready greet our guests with drinks, snacks and interactive displays. 

It starts at 18:00 in the old ceremonial hall at Copenhagen University, Frue Plads (Cathedral Square), 1165 København K
More information can be found in Kulturnattens program.

Free entrabce for all KU students and employees, otherwise Kulturpas is needed.

Winners of the competition are still to be announced, award ceremony November 4 at the HC Ørsted Institute. Participants at Kulturnatten will have the opportunity to vote for their own favourites.

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Pictures from ARTiS Instagram