9 September 2013

Ingeniøren reports on Copenhagen iGEM'ers Magnetic Cancer Medicine

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View the iGEM-students project presentation video above.

Magnetic medical drugs than can be used to localize, poison and burn cancer cells. The Danish newspaper Ingeniøren has written an article on the project developed by this year's participants in the world cup in synthetic biology for students known as iGEM.

The article features leading doctor and radiology-expert Michel Nemery who is excited about the idea. The Lundbeck Foundation has also shown great interest by supporting the project with a generous donation.

The students have based their project on bacteria that form small magnets. These magnets might be attached to known anti-cancer drugs to make cancer treatments more efficient. Dr. Michel Nemery from Herlev Hospital calls the small magnets “dream compounds”, and adds that the magnets might even improve cancer diagnostics by limiting the use of traditional chemotherapies and harmful X-rays.

The eleven participants in the iGEM competition are evaluated collectively on both their skills in the lab and on public outreach. This has resulted in a series of video tutorials, a partly animated video and their own homepage, where they present the project.

Read the Ingeniøren article here https://ing.dk/artikel/studerende-vil-udvikle-kraeftmedicin-med-magnetiske-soebakterier-161595

Watch the students' project presentation video above or here: https://youtu.be/Y6xQG2dA0tA

View the iGEM team's wiki-page: http://2013.igem.org/Team:UNIK_Copenhagen

Connect with the iGEM team on the social media:

Read about the iGEM competition in Center for Synthetic Biology here:

Learn about the team's Bricks of Knowledge outreach project here:
and register your own mini-brick here: